Git is Waiting to Push 5,000 Files to Github

My Internship Experience by Week Two

I started working with Git and Github again after it became a requirement in the Internship 3.0 in which I had enrolled. In my quest to become a serious developer, I first worked with Git and Git Hub in 2015 but quickly abandoned it. I then decided to be developing websites with WordPress. However, the lure for coding started me on the quest again, so I enrolled for the internship. In my first week, I faced Github's Source Control challenge that informed me that I had 5k files to push and whether I want to delete them.

 I panicked. Am I about to delete all the files in my MacBook? But then I relaxed and did what any self-respecting-experienced developer would do; I Googled a solution. Apparently, in my innocence, or more appropriately, ignorance, I did the 'git init' command in my root folder! So the efficient Git wants to oblige me to push all my files to Github. Luckily, I found a solution. It was to delete the .git and related files in my root folder. (Link to where I found the answer is at the bottom of this article.)

 Not soon after, week two is at hand. The task is to implement a design challenge from . The challenge is basically to develop a responsive website that dynamically fits into mobile screens. I did what I could in the time available. You can find my solution here on Github . The live website is here on Github Pages .

 Among many things, I learnt how to work with Flexbox in CSS; fascinating stuff. Some videos and articles helped along the way. Fellow interns freely answered questions to help others along.

 I'm looking forward to week three of the internship. We are going to be learning Javascript. I guess that is the beginning of being a programmer as we'll be getting into logic and all. I can't wait to get coding. 

( Solution to the Git challenge ).